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Are diet sodas actually worse than regular sodas? 0

Table of Content Introduction Ingredients – Regular vs. Diet Sodas Impact on Weight Management Impact on Metabolic Health Impact on Hearth Health Impact on Bone Health Impact on Dental Health

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Which is the best mattress for back pain? Soft or Hard? 0

Summary Back-pain and lower-back pain are increasingly on the rise. Sitting for long hours in desk-jobs, poor lifestyle choices, less of exercise, and unhealthy diets are all compounding skeletomuscular challenges,

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Social Prescribing: Beyond Medication, for Health and Well-being 0

Summary Social Prescribing is a relatively new concept in healthcare. It acknowledges that, for some patients, treatment must go beyond medication. Treatment must be holistic and factor social determinants of

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The future of Wearables in Healthcare 0

Summary Wearables, is short for wearable devices. As the name implies, these are devices that are worn on the body, by a human being. They use a range of sensors

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The influence of Colours on Mood and Mental Health 0

Summary Colours represent different wavelengths of light energy and like any other form of energy, can affect human-beings both physically and mentally. This fact has been used profitably in several

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Home Workouts – Fitness from the Comfort of your Living Room 0

Summary Building a fitness routine from the comfort of your living room is easier today than it was ten or twenty years ago. There is so much awareness about fitness,

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Flooding and Communicable Diseases 0

Chennai, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur Districts of Tamil Nadu experienced unprecedented amounts of rain, followed by devastating floods and severe waterlogging. The immediate need of the hour in these areas is

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Understanding and Managing Electrolyte Imbalances 0

Summary Electrolytes are a class of seven minerals that are abundantly found in nature, and also in the human body. They perform various functions and are critical for good overall

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The Science behind Food Cravings and how to manage them 0

Summary Food Craving is a physical condition that has both physical, and psychological or behavioural aspects, to it. Food Craving once in a while, or to a small extent, is

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Dangers of Over-the-Counter (OTC) medication! 0

Pain medication must be taken only as per the doctor’s prescription, do you know why? Normally just by examining a patient’s face, hands and body, the doctor can assess if

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